Nursing School Fees for Bineesha Mathew

Bineesha from Kannur needs our financial assistance to start her general nursing course at School of Nursing, Lourde hospital, Kerala. She stays with her dad Binoy, an auto-driver, mom who’s a homemaker, grandfather, grandmother and younger brother studying in 8th standard. Binoy bought an auto on loan two months back, which earns him about Rs.400 a day, currently the only income for the family. Bineesha’s grandparents are aged and sick, requiring medical assistance frequently.
Binoy is finding it difficult to sustain the family and also provide a good education for his daughter. They also have a loan for the auto and few other small loans to pay off. Fee for the first year of Nursing Course comes to Rs.43,800 including tuition and hostel charges.

Fund Raising Status As on [date]
Minimum: Rs. 100
Maximum: Rs. 7,500

A/C No – 0583073000000025
Branch – Kengeri – Kengeri Satellite Town, Bangalore
IFSC Code – SIBL0000583
All donations to MicroCharity will be eligible for Tax deductions under 80G of Income Tax Act via order number DIT(E)BLR/80G/K-70/AATFM6359B/ ITO(E)-2/Vol2014-2015