Medical Support for a Paralyzed Young Man

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Oct 20, 2014 - Murshidabad, West Bengal (MCID-126-14-15)
Rabiulawal is a 32-year old daily wage construction worker from Murshidabad, West Bengal. He lives with his ageing parents, wife and 2 daughters aged 5 years and 10 months respectively. His father, Islam Aminul, is 70 years old; was also a daily wage worker but he is not able to work anymore.

In December 2013, Rabiulawal fell down from the construction building and broke his spinal cord, making him bed ridden with Transverse myelitis. He was under treatment in Calcutta, then in Hyderabad and have now come to St.John’s hospital, Bangalore. Their 1 acre land is already pledged to money lenders for 3 lakhs. The family has exhausted all their savings for his treatment that they do not even have money to buy food. While they are at the hospital, the social work department manages to give food to the patient free of cost, but the family members are struggling to eat even three meals a day.

Rabiulawal has really bad bed sores, which need plastic surgery to heal. He then needs a KAFO (braces to stabilize knee, ankle and foot) + Walker + Physiotherapy sessions to get him walking again. The whole process would take a couple of months and family does not have any money to go through this. The social work department of St. John’s Hospital got in touch with MicroCharity to give financial support for Rabiulawal’s treatment.

Oct 27, 2014 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves Rs. 50,000 against medical expenses.
Oct 30, 2014 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund Raising closed for this cause. MicroCharity raised Rs 50,000 from 19 micro donations in 3 days. We will be paying directly to hospital soon.