Liver Transplant Surgery for Vinu
May 15, 2014 - Kottayam, Kerala (MCID-108-15-16)

Vinu was working as a marketing professional, when after a prolonged sickness, doctors told him that he needed a liver transplant surgery. He had jaundice more than 3 times, and his situation was becoming worse day by day. The surgery was fixed for the 14th of April at Amritha Hospital, Edapally, and the cost was 35-40 lakhs. Some well-wishers collected around 6 lakhs, they sold a property worth 10 lakhs and Vinu’s employer also donated 5 lakhs.
But as fate would have it, the transplant had to be cancelled at the last minute, when doctors found a fibrous growth in the liver of the donor at the operating table. Since the operation was done already, the donor had to be paid off and the operation re-scheduled. Reshmi and Vinu are now trying to save up money for the second surgery, and medical expense that would ensue after it. They have to re-locate to Kochi after the transplant for regular check-ups. And their daughter Rishika’s school admissions are yet to be done. Reshmi approached MicroCharity for some financial support.
June 1, 2015 - MicroCharity approves the fund request

Microcharity approves fund request of Rs.1,00,000.
June 16, 2015 - Fund Raising Closed

Fund Raising closed for this cause. Rs 1 lakh is raised from 14 Micro donations in 16 days. We will paying this directly to hospital shortly.