Kerala Flood Rehabilitation

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Aug 20, 2018 - Kerala, India (MCID-120-18-19)
Kerala faced severe floods in August 2018, one of the worst disasters the state has seen in a century. Unprecedented rains led to all the dams being filled beyond capacity, and the shutters of 35 dams were opened simultaneously leading to flooding and landslides in many parts of Kerala.

Over 350 lives were lost, hundreds of homes were damaged completely and over a million people were moved to relief camps. Kerala is still reeling from the impact of floodwaters that covered most of the state for over a week. Many areas will remain under water for over a month. There is major loss of cattle and crops, buildings and businesses, affecting the livelihood of many people.

Fund Raising Status - In Progress

Fund Raising Status As on [date]

Goal: Rs. 1,000,000
[wppb progress=”154688/1000000″ option=”animated-candystripe green” fullwidth=true text=”Rs 1,54,688 Raised” ]

How MicroCharity helps!

Kerala now has to start a major rehabilitation process where homes have to be rebuilt, businesses reestablished and people being brought back to normal lives. MicroCharity team stands in solidarity with the people of Kerala, bringing hope to people who suffered huge losses by helping them get them back on their feet. Our focus areas are:

1. Back to Home

Under this theme, we help rebuild and repair houses affected by recent floods

2. Back to Work

This theme covers all aspect of providing livelihood including restarting businesses, repairing boats, buying cattle and seeds, setting up new revenue streams to people who have lost their means of income.
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3. Back to School

This theme covers all aspect of providing livelihood including restarting businesses, repairing boats, buying cattle and seeds, setting up new revenue streams to people who have lost their means of income.