House repair for Benny

Benny also constructed a house in 2014. It is at a river bank and since the land was uneven, they had to level it and raise the foundation. They were unable to complete the foundation in concrete due to lack of funds, and they had not expected any damage. But six months back, they noticed a crack on the wall because the foundation had started deteriorating due to rains. The crack has now become a gaping hole extending along one side of the wall and along the floor too. If not repaired immediately, the house will collapse in a few months. The only solution is to reconstruct the foundation with concrete and solid materials.
Benny is living with his wife, Jessy and their 2 children aged 15 and 12. They already have a loan of over 3 lakhs, which he is struggling to repay. The current repair would need Rs.1,40,000 of which he has arranged Rs.10,000. He approached MicroCharity through a volunteer for financial assistance in repairing his house, on an emergency basis.