Help to set up a Tailoring Shop

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Dec 1, 2014 - Aluva, Kerala (MCID-129-14-15)
Kunjumol is living in a rented house with her three children. Her husband abandoned them a few years back. The children are aged 16, 11 & 7. The eldest one had to quit school as the fee is not paid. Kunjumol is working at a tailoring shop, but the meager income is not sufficient to run the family.

Kunjumol wants to set up a tailoring shop. A shop has already been identified. She has to pay Rs. 25,000 to sign the agreement with the shop owner. The sewing machines and other accessories for the shop will cost another Rs. 25,000.

Her family is not in a financial condition to support her. One of her sisters is about 35 years old and unmarried. Another sister is deaf; but she can work in the shop to support Kunjumol. She approached MicroCharity to help set up the shop.

Dec 3, 2014 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves Rs. 25,000.
Dec 8, 2014 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund Raising closed for this cause. We have raised Rs 25,000 through 8 micro donations in 5 days. We will be handing over the money to Kunjumol shortly.