Help for renovating a house

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Feb 8, 2015 - Kottayam, Kerala(MCID-141-14-15)
Sunitha is living with her mother and 3 siblings in a rented house in Kottayam district, Kerala. Her father left them 3 years back. Her mother was the only earning member of the family, but she is not able to work now because of knee pain. Sunitha and her differently-abled sister studied till 12th standard and had to discontinue due to financial problems. Her brothers are studying in 10th and 7th standards respectively. The family is struggling to pay the rent of Rs.1500 along with the kids’ education expenses. Sunitha’s sister’s medical treatment is happening with help from neighbours and well-wishers.

Sunitha’s dream was to move into a house of their own, and now she has got an opportunity for fulfilling her dream. A house in Manimala, in her father’s name, was in legal dispute. The dispute is resolved and the family can move in there now. But the house is badly in need of repairs. Roofing needs to be replaced and toilets have to be constructed.

The cost for repairs would come to Rs.1 lakh. Sunitha is also planning to open a small tuition center in her new house so that the family will get a sustainable income. She approached MicroCharity in this time of need.

March 10, 2015 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.75,000.
March 17, 2015 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund raising is closed for this cause. Rs 75.000 is raised from 17 micro donations in 7 days. Sunitha will be starting the renovation shortly.