Heart Valve Surgery for Thankamma Raju

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September 20, 2017 - Alappuzha, Kerala (MCID-120-17-18)

Thankamma Raju from Alapuzha, Kerala is not able to get her heart valve replacement surgery done due to financial constraints. She has been suffering from heart ailments for the past 2 years and the doctors at Lourdes hospital, Kochi recommended an immediate corrective surgery.

Her husband is a painter. But he has not been able to work for some time due to an allergy to paint and solvent odors. The couple have 2 children aged 20 and 17, who are not employed yet. The cost of surgery is Rs.3 lakhs and the family is in no position to pay this amount. Few friends have promised to help with small sums of money, but it’s not nearly enough for the surgery. They approached MicroCharity for financial assistance.

October 2, 2017 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 1 lakh.
October 5, 2017 - fund raising closed
Fund raising is closed for this cause. Rs. 1 lakh is raised from 18 micro donations in 3 days. We will be transferring the money to hospital once the surgery is scheduled.