Financial Support for Bone Marrow Transplant Surgery

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Feb 25, 2015 - Koyilandy, Kerala(MCID-142-14-15)
Sudhakaran’s daughter, Rehna, a 16 year-old girl was diagnosed with relapse of leukemia (acute myeloid leukemia – M5) and the only lifesaving option is bone marrow transplant/stem cell replacement. She has been admitted at Amritha Hospital, Kochi from last November and has had a few courses of chemotherapy. The hospital sourced a donor from Germany as the sampling tests done on Sudhakaran and his son were not convincing enough for them to be the donors. The expense for the proposed treatment is approximately 35 lakhs.

Sudhakaran is working as an office boy in a firm in UAE and there is no way this poor family can meet this huge an expense. He has already paid the donor’s charges including the courier charges (8,300 Euros, approximately 6.25 lakhs). This is in addition to other chemo and medical expenses adding up to a total of Rs.7 lakhs. These payments were made with the help of kind-hearted people who contributed to Rehna’s treatment.

The surgery was done on March 13th, and Rehna is recovering in the ICU. Sudhakaran approached MicroCharity for financial support in settling the final bills.

March 22, 2015 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.1,00,000.
March 26, 2015 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund raising closed for this cause. Rs.1,00,000 is raised from 18 micro donations in 4 days. We will be transferring the amount to hospital shortly.
April 25, 2015 - Fund Raising Closed
Rehna’s surgery sucessfully performed at Amrita Hosptial, Kochi. She was in ICU for 2 weeks and moved to general  room for another 2 weeks.  She need 6 months of post surgery care which need continuous evaluation by doctors. Also its very important that she dont get any kind of infection during this period. Family has rented out a small house near hospital for managing it easily.  Currently she is recovering well and goes to hospital weekly for evaluations. Thanks everyone for your support.
July 10, 2015 - Sad News
We have a sad news to share.  Earlier this week Rehna got some infection and doctors tried to cure it through medicines but it got worsened and internal bleeding has started. 2 days back she has moved to ventilator and this morning she has left this world. Family is in shock as this was completely unexpected turn of events. She was recovering well and on her way to normal life. May her soul rest in peace.


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