Oct 18, 2012: MicroCharity raised Rs. 10,000 from 8 different individuals in 2 days. The fund is transferred to Nimal’s family.

Feb 4, 2013: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 6 different donors in 6 days.

May 2, 2013: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 5 different donations in 3 days.

Aug 21, 2013: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 10 different micro donations in 4 days.

Nov 15, 2013: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 6 different micro donations in 2 days.

The family is unable to keep up with all the medical expenses. MicroCharity approves an increased quarterly support amount of Rs. 50,000 this time, to help the family with the medical expenses.
Feb 6, 2014: Raised Rs. 50,000 from 23 micro donations in 3 days.

Apr 16, 2014: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 5 micro donations in 1 day.

Jul 31, 2014: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 5 micro donations in 7 days.

Oct 18, 2014: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 6 micro donations in 11 days.

Jan 19, 2015: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 5 micro donations in 7 days.

Microcharity approves Rs.10,000 towards this quarter’s medical expenses
Apr 27, 2015: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 5 micro donations in 6 days.

Oct 26, 2015: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 6 micro donations in 6 days.

Feb 5, 2016: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 6 micro donations in 6 days.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.10,000.
April 15, 2016: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 4 micro donations in 1 day.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.10,000.
July 8, 2016: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 5 micro donations in 1 day. Amount will be transfered to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.10,000.
Oct 28, 2016: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 5 micro donations in 2 days. Amount will be transfered to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.50,000.
Jan 09, 2017: Raised Rs. 50,000 from 15 micro donations in 17 days. Amount will be transfered to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.10,000.
May 22, 2017: Raised Rs. 10,000 from 5 micro donations in 4 days. Amount will be transferred to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approved fund request of Rs. 10,000
July 02, 2017 : Raised Rs. 10,000 from 6 micro donations in 5 days. Amount will be transferred to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approved fund request of Rs. 10,000
Sep 22, 2017 : Raised Rs. 10,000 from 4 micro donations in 1 days. Amount will be transferred to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

Nimal, who is paralyzed waist-down is still in need of our financial support. MicroCharity continues to support her every quarter.
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 10,000.
Dec 20, 2017 : Raised Rs. 10,000 from 4 micro donations in 7 days. Amount will be transferred to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 10,000.
March 28, 2018 : Raised Rs. 10,000 from 4 micro donations in 4 days. Amount will be transferred to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 10,000.
June 30, 2018 : Raised Rs. 10,000 from 5 micro donations in 3 days. Amount will be transferred to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 10,000.
Oct 04, 2018 : Raised Rs. 10,000 from 4 micro donations in 7 days. Amount will be transferred to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 10,000.
Dec 20, 2018 : Raised Rs. 10,000 from 4 micro donations in 5 days. Amount will be transferred to Nimal shortly against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 10,000.
March 8, 2019 : Raised Rs. 10,000 from 5 micro donations in 1 day. Amount will be transferred to Nimal against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 10,000.
June 7, 2019 : Raised Rs. 10,000 from 4 micro donations in 4 days. Amount will be transferred to Nimal against medical expenses.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 10,000.
September 20,2019 – Fund raising closed for this cause. We will be paying he amount to Nimal against her medical bills.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 10,000.

MicroCharity approves fund request for Rs.10,000.
March 10,2020 – Fund raising closed for this cause. We will be paying he amount to Nimal against her medical bills.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 15,000.
June 10,2020 – Fund raising closed for this cause. We have disbursed the amount to Nimal against her medical bills.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 15,000
Update : Fundraising closed for this cause. We will be disbursing money shortly to Nimal against here medical expenses.

MicroCharity is honored to continue supporting Nimal, who has been bedridden for the past 18 years. Listen to her story here, https://youtu.be/ZxetuOF6QPM (Malayalam video)
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 15,000
Update : Fundraising closed for this cause. We will be disbursing money shortly to Nimal against her medical expenses.