Latha and her three children, aged 18,14 and 13 have gone through more misfortunes than most of us can imagine. Latha was working as a kitchen assistant in a hospital. But she suffered severe burns from a kerosene stove explosion, resulting in her leg being amputated eight years back. She has not been able to work since then, and is still in need of medication and treatment about a decade after the mishap. She is also allergic to most medications making it extremely difficult to treat even minor illnesses.
Latha’s husband was working a plantation. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2017 and passed away in February 2018. Now there are no earning members in this family and their basic survival is in danger. Vismaya, the eldest daughter completed her 12th and joined CMA foundation course. She was recently taken to the doctor with severe bleeding and abnormal behavior. She was diagnosed with PCOS and severe depression, possibly the result of her seeing her dad go through cancer and death.
The family is surviving on support from NGOs, neighbours, well-wishers and the church. Annemarie foundation is paying their monthly rent, neighbours and the church is paying for groceries and basic expenses. With help from the block panchayat, 10 cents of land was purchased last year. But they have no money to start any construction. The family is completely broke and unable to build the house, provide medical treatment for Latha and Visamaya or even take care of their basic expenses.