30-year-old Albin is going through a very tough time in his life and needs our financial support with prayers to help him return to normal life. He was diagnosed with colloid cyst in the brain, in August 2020 and underwent craniotomy for excision of cyst on the 12th of September. He was discharged on 19th September but was readmitted on the 20th with seizures.
CT scan revealed multiple hematomas in the brain and meningitis. He was shifted to Aster Mims hospital, Kozhikode, where he was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. He underwent one more surgery for coiling of aneurysm and insertion of Ommaya reservoir.
He is currently in the Neurosurgical ICU with oxygen support through a tracheostomy tube. The family has already spent close to 12 lakhs for two surgeries and post-operative treatment. Albin will need a prolonged stay in the hospital before he is stabilized.
Albin currently stays with this aged father, who is working as a salesman; his mother who is not employed, his brother who is a student. He got married a couple of months back, and his newlywed wife is also staying with him. The family has no means to support Albin’s continued treatment. They approached MicroCharity for financial assistance.