Bony George, an 18-year old student from Idukki, Kerala is struggling to complete his B.Com degree for lack of money. His father was a farmer, earning income from agriculture and also selling milk to take care of his family, and his mother is a home maker. Few years back, Bony’s father caught chikungunya, due to which his right leg was severely infected and he was not able to walk. He had to undergo a ball replacement surgery for his right leg at Kottayam medical college in October, 2015.
Since Bony’s father is the only earning member of the family, they had to borrow Rs.1.5 lakhs for the surgery from friends and well-wishers. He has been bed-ridden post the surgery, and now the family is struggling to meet their daily expenses. Bony’s education is also affected and he would not be able to continue without financial assistance. The annual fee for his course comes to Rs.36,000 a year.