College fee for Beneeshya

Beneeshya passed 12th standard with 75% marks in spite of the difficult situation at home, and wanted to be an aircraft engineer. Her father and mother tried to discourage her as they didn’t have any means to pay the college fee. But Beneeshya convinced her parents that she wanted to join the course, and paid her first year fee with a loan that Shobha took from Ayalkootam, a small community micro-finance project.
Beneeshya’s tuition fee is Rs.60,000 per semester for a 3-year course. MicroCharity plans to support the tuition fee for the next 2 years.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.60,000 towards the tuition fees.

MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.60,000 towards the tuition fees.

Tuition fee for 6th semester is Rs.60,000 plus hostel accommodation and food.
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs.60,000.