Building a house for Akash and family

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June 17, 2015 - Idukki, Kerala (MCID-114-15-16)
Akash and his mother now stay at a house, incompletely covered with plastic sheets, and a broken metal sheet roof. Akash studies in 1st standard at a Government Tribal school in Murikkattukudy, Kerala. When his teachers came for a house visit, they were shocked to find the state of his house. The teachers joined hands and approached many for help, but to no avail. Finally, their local church priest along with some teachers took up the house construction, the finances and the execution.

Akash’s mother works as a daily laborer at a cardamom estate nearby and earns Rs. 300 a day. This is by no means sufficient to send Akash to school, run their household expenses and build a house. The land that they are staying in, is in her mother’s name and this has to be converted to her name. She does not have any government documents to submit as proof for assistance from the panchayat.

The total cost of a small house for Akash and his mother comes to Rs. 5 lakhs. Friends and well-wishers have agreed to pay Rs. 50,000. A volunteer helping with the house construction approached MicroCharity for help.

July 24, 2015 - MicroCharity approves the fund request
MicroCharity approves fund request of Rs. 75,000.
Aug 19, 2015 - Fund Raising Closed
Fund raising closed for this cause. Rs. 75,000 is raised from 24 micro donations in 25 days. We will passing this money over to Akash’s family shortly.