A young man needs our help to walk!

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January 3, 2013 - Gulbarga, Karnataka - MCID-117/12-13
Arun Kumar, a 19 year old boy from Gulbarga, Karnataka, is unable to walk due to problems with his leg.  He has two brothers, and all three of them have problems with kidney as well.  They belong to a very poor family.  His father is a construction worker and the mother is only able find work occasionally.  The older brother needs regular dialysis and is unable to support the family.  His younger brother is in school.  Arun will be able to support the family if his leg can be corrected.  Doctors at St. John’s, Bangalore suggested a corrective surgery last year that will cost around Rs. 1 Lakh.  They only have been able to organize Rs.15,000 so far.
January 4, 2013 – Microcharity approves fund request of Rs. 50,000
Microcharity has offered to help with Rs. 50,000. Arun’s surgery is scheduled on January 20, 2013 at St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore.
January 23, 2013 – Fund Raising Completed
Microcharity is happy announce that fund raising is completed for this cause. Rs 50,000 is raised from 17 different donations in 19 days. Arun is getting admitted to St. John’s Hospital on 28th Jan 2013 and surgery is scheduled for 29th or 30th Jan 2013. Thanks for all those who donated to help Arun Walk!
Feb 2 , 2013 – Surgery Successfully completed
Arun’s Surgery is performed successfully on Saturday, 2nd Feb 2013. After the surgery, he is moved to general ward now and improving. Doctors are anticipating another surgery after 3 months but will be depend on how his leg is responding to the surgery in next 3 months. Arun is looking forward to get discharged from hospital in 10 days.


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