45-year-old Thomas is a hard worker, earning and supporting his family, working as a coconut picker. On the 26th of October, 2020 he fell from a coconut tree and was badly injured. Thomas was rushed to the hospital and they found that his thigh bone had two fractures.
One surgery was completed urgently, and he is recovering. After observing him, they will decide whether he would need another surgery.
Thomas stays with his wife and 2 children, Neethu and Nihil who are still in school. He was the sole breadwinner for their family, and they have no other source of income. Recently, they also lost the money they had paid as advance for a house since the deed was not proper. The family is now struggling to meet hospital expenses.
The cost of surgery and treatment comes to Rs. 1,50,000. The family has arranged for Rs. 40,000 from friends and well-wishers, but that is not nearly enough to complete Thomas’ treatment. They approached MicroCharity for financial support.